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Sick Days: Spring Clean Your Business: 5 Tips To Reduce Germs And Sick Days

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Sick Days: Spring Clean Your Business: 5 Tips To Reduce Germs And Sick Days

Sick Days: Spring Clean Your Business: 5 Tips To Reduce Germs And Sick Days

Spring has finally sprung and whilst many of us are spring cleaning our homes to prepare for the warmer months, it’s important to do the same for your business too.

The change in temperature from the harsh cold winter weather to the slightly warmer spring is a breeding ground for bacteria causing many people to get colds and the flu during these transitional months.

If your business has lots of staff members working within the same space, this time of year is likely to see an increase in work related sick days. Sick days cost UK companies £29bn a year! However, this does not have to be the case.

Here’s 5 tips for spring cleaning your business.

1. Provide antibacterial wipes

Some of the worst objects in offices to harbour germs are desks, phones, keyboards, computer mouses, and photocopying machines. Ideally, desks should be wiped down with antibacterial wipes every day, but in most workplaces they are rarely done more than once a month (ew). Try encouraging your staff to clean their desks, keyboards and phones by providing cleaning wipes for each desk.

2. Give employees responsibility

The main culprits here are the table-tops, microwave, fridge and kettle. Nominate a different member of staff to take responsibility of the communal area each week by checking it regularly and noting who does or does not clean up after themselves. Giving this small responsibility to the employees reduces the chances of them making a mess as they don’t want to fall out with fellow workers.

Try using recyclable disposable options as much as possible for things like plates, cutlery and mugs. Add hand a sanitizer dispenser to the wall on entry and exist.

3. Automated toilets

The bathroom of the workplace is no doubt one of the dirtiest areas as many people pass through it each day. If your business can afford it, add automatic doors and sensory soap dispensers, taps and hand dryers. This will reduce the amount of touching needed when going to the bathroom and eliminate the transfer of germs.

4. Spruce it up

Add plants will increase the oxygen levels in the room and help to motivate and wake up any tired staff. Giving the walls a lick of paint and adding something new like a new carpet will freshen up the room and improve the overall mood of staff.

5. Reduce clutter

Eliminate paper/filling systems where possible by going green and digital. The less clutter you have in your workplace, the less room there is for dust to build up.

Whilst implementing these new methods may come at a cost, when you consider the overall cost of paying for staff to have sick days, the benefits of spring cleaning your business make sense.

Keeping health at the forefront of employees’ minds should be part of an effective overall campaign in the workplace by encouraging employees to take the cleanliness and hygiene of their work area as seriously as they would their home.

However, this is easier said than done and more often than not employees can be lazy and ignorant to the facts. If this is the case within your business, it’s wise to seek the services of a professional commercial cleaning company that can make sure your workplace is clean and hygienic. A good cleaning service will ensure that the workplace is not only clean but sanitized too to prevent the spread of germs and reduce the chances of your staff becoming ill.

Mrs Bucket prides itself on providing a top quality commercial cleaning service and has been awarded for its excellence. To find out more about how we can benefit your business, get a free, no obligation quote here.