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Helping to improve performance in partnership with Brynteg School

Based in Bridgend, Wales, Brynteg School is one of the largest secondary schools in Wales, .

Gone are the days when cleaning would be carried out early in the morning and evenings when pupils weren’t on site. Now, schools want their facilities management staff to be a visible, reassuring presence, which is why we have a dedicated onsite team. This also allows them to respond to incidents as they happen so the school remains a clean, safe environment at all times.

"We are blown away by the passion and insight shown by Mrs Buckét"

Ryan Davies, Head Teacher

The Mrs Buckét way

  • We carried out regular audits and arranged meetings to discuss what was working well and if there were any areas of concerns. If there were problems, we provided and implemented tangible and realistic solutions.
  • We worked closely with the customer to rapidly improve the standard of cleaning
  • We drove innovative cleaning techniques throughout the school.

The results

We have become very visible on site at Brynteg School, with our cleaning team on hand throughout the day to initially get the school up to, and then keep it, at a high performing level of cleanliness.

Ryan Davies, Headteacher at Brynteg School said: “We are delighted to be partnered with Mrs Buckét, it was the start of something new and exciting for us. As the school continues to grow, having cleaning staff on site, offering a reassuring presence is vital.

“Working with our existing cleaning team, Mrs Buckét have been looking after and cleaning our facilities, safeguarding our school and ensuring the best possible learning and teaching environment for our pupils and staff.

“When we were looking at external facilities management providers, we were keen to use a company with relevant experience who would understand the challenges that we face on a day-to-day basis, and we were blown away by the passion and insight shown by Mrs Buckét. The fact that they are a Welsh business was the icing on the cake for us.”

Discover your cleanliness score

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Many schools use traditional cleaning services, usually with outdated practices. But how suitable are these services for modern schools?

In just 2 minutes our diagnostic tool will be able to appraise your current cleaning service and feedback on how suitable it is for your workplace.

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